Health, Lifestyle

Guide for Healthy Eating – The PCOS/PCOD diet


I have been getting so many requests to write on how to manage PCOS/ PCOD. Let me tell you one thing PCOD/ PCOS may not be curable but it is definitely reversible and controllable with few tweaks to your lifestyle. So let’s see on today’s topic of healthy eating – how and what to eat for PCOD/ PCOS.

Check out my post on Guide for The 5 principles for eating right for the understanding concept of Healthy eating.

Firstly you don’t have to go on a vigorous diet or extreme exercise because once you give up or give in to the temptation all your efforts will go in vain. So instead of that start to build a regular and systematic regime to incorporate healthy habits into your daily regime.

So let’s discuss how and what to eat.

#1 Divide your food intake

It’s the second principle of eating right. So we are used to eating 3 meals in a day, but if you want to achieve weight loss without sacrificing your favorite foods. Divide your whole food intake for a day into 6 portions.

This will prevent overeating and also regulate blood sugar levels.


  • Start your morning by drinking a glass of warm water along with honey and lemon or jeera/cumin.
  • Never skip breakfast. Have a healthy, filling, and less oily breakfast.
  • The best options are Boiled eggs, idly, poha, and a wide variety of options are available.
  • But make sure to have it in a moderate quantity.

Mid-morning snack:

  • Have a bowl of salad of colorful veggies, like carrot cucumber, beetroot, kale, the broccoli you can have any fresh raw veggies with lemon. Here is a yummy recipe for peanut and corn salad.
  • I used to have a small box of chopped carrots and cucumbers with lemon and pepper at 11 am. This will provide nutrients and keep you feeling full.


Make sure to limit the quantity like less quantity of roti/rice/ bread and more of veggies and a protein-filled side dish and finish off your meal with buttermilk instead of curd.

Evening snack:

  • Have a handful combo of dry fruits and nuts or a box of fruits
  • Drink green tea instead of normal coffee or tea.

#2 Dinner:

Have an easy and light dinner, but make sure you enjoy it. I usually have rotis or different vegetable rice. Beetroot rice is one of my favorites. You can also have any of your favorite dishes but make sure it is prepared in less oil and low in carbohydrates.



Flax seeds: Roast them for a few minutes, you can enjoy them as it is or powder them and you can add this powder to buttermilk or add this to your dishes.

Pomegranate:  This is loaded with antioxidants and has an impressive nutrient profile and helps to fight diseases like cancer and heart disease and inflammation. It also improves the hemoglobin percentage.

Cumin: It helps in digestion, weight loss, fat reduction, and is a rich source of iron.

Papaya: It is rich in fiber, Vitamin C, and antioxidants which prevent cholesterol build-up. It also helps to ease menstrual pain and weight loss.

Sesame seeds: The age-old golden food used to cure menstrual disorders. These are high in fiber, rich in plant protein, and lower cholesterol and triglycerides. These also aid in blood cell formation. So use these as frequently as you can in your diet.


  • Allocate at least 30 min to 1 hour per day for minimal exercise.
  • You can choose from different types of workouts like Zumba, yoga, or a simple jog/ walk.
  • Not to lie, I just go for morning and evening walks.
  • But be consistent with what you choose to do.


  • Consult your gynecologist regularly and do ask your doctor’s opinion before starting any diet.
  • Take your medication regularly.
  • Better to avoid soy and limit the dairy intake.
  • Include a lot of fresh fruits and veggies.
  • Avoid junk and street food.
  • Limit oily food for once a week


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